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Sports Injuries

Our Team of Chiropractors and Medical Doctors are experienced of how to assess and treat such injuries. Understanding that such strains and sprains need attention and how it should receive such attention.  Injuries from sport are usually caused by one of two things - injury from trauma, such as a fall, or collision, or an injury cause by a repetitive movement.
People of all ages are doing regular sports and fitness activities... The majority of people are involved in such activities as golf, tennis, soccer, basketball, football, running and activities such as aerobic classes or weight training. No matter what activity one does, there is always the risk of injury. Injury can be broken down into two basic types, one from trauma such as a slip, fall or collision and the other being of the over-use or repetitive stress variety.
Common sports injuries are strains and sprains
Sprains are injuries to ligaments, the tough bands connecting bones in a joint. Suddenly stretching ligaments past their limits deforms or tears them. Strains are injuries to muscle fibers or tendons, which anchor muscles to bones. Strains are called "pulled muscles" for a reason: Over-stretching or overusing a muscle causes tears in the muscle fibers or tendons.
Most sprains and strains are associated with some degree of swelling and sometimes internal bleeding especially with the ankles and knees. With all strains and sprains proper management is very important especially during the initial stages of the injury to insure proper healing and no future disability.

These injuries can cause the debilitating type of problems often associated with trauma... The most common areas for these types of injuries are the ankles, knees, and the shoulders though other areas can be affected including the low back and neck. Injuries to the neck and low back can be quite serious as the spinal cord or spinal nerves can also be involved.

It is important to get the injury properly assessed by a health care professional so to know the extent of damage. Most of these injuries can recover though do need proper care during the various stages of healing. If not manage carefully some sprains and strains can leave us with long lasting problems of joint instability, painful or weak joints and muscles, and lack of mobility. A Chiropractor who is trained in the management of sports injury can give you the proper advice and treatment to insure that your injury will heal in the best possible way.
Overuse or Repetitive Strain Injuries:
These injuries are becoming more and more common especially among people pursuing sports such as golf, tennis, bowling or any other activity that are requires one to do the same activity over and over. Even running, especially on a treadmill can cause such problems...

Conditions occur when we are involved in a repetitive activity that causes a very slight strain to tissues especially tendons and muscles that alone would not cause a problem but done many times has an accumulative affect. After some time the muscle or other affected tissue develops changes that no longer allow it to function properly resulting in pain, stiffness and disability. There are two types of factors that predispose one to these types of problems one being intrinsic or found within one's own body and extrinsic or external factors that can often be changed or controlled by the individual.
As we can see there are more factor that are extrinsic and therefore within our control. However most of us need assessment by a qualified health professional to determine the nature of the injury as well as the solution to the problem as left untreated these injuries can greatly affect one's life and limit a favorite activity. Besides eliminating the cause treatment is often required to stabilize the condition.
Our treatment might include joint manipulation, massage, therapy modalities, bracing and specific exercises.