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Worker's Compensation

At Houston Medical Group, we provide treatment and services to all workers' compensation patients.  Our program offers a wide range of treatment and claims processing services for patients who have suffered a work-related injury.   Treatment and services we provide are for work-related injuries of the head, back, neck, shoulders, and legs due to slip-fall, collision, pull muscle, repetitive job task etc... We also provide treatment to patients with eye, ear, lung and skin condition that are directly related to hazards in the workplace including poor ergonomics, equipment failure or misuse, exposure, or inadequate safety education

Our Services and Treatment:
•    Free consultations for work-related injury patients
•    Medical and Chiropractic Evaluation
•    Diagnostic Testing
•    Medication Management
•    Injection Treatment
•    Physical Therapy
•    Chiropractic Treatment
•    Return To Work Program( Work Condition and Hardening Programs)
•    Group and Individual Counseling (For Stress or Chronic Pain Related to Work Injury)
•    Vocational Counseling

Our doctors and staffs are experienced in workers compensation and are patient advocates, first and foremost. We understand the complexities of navigating the workers compensation system. We know it's all too common for patients to get lost in the system and to become frustrated with delays, loss of benefits, and possible denial of desperately needed medical services.

We care about those who have received marginal care, been left behind or ultimately forgotten, and we want to help with information, advice or legal referral.
We understand the communication between all parties is keys to help in the success of a claim. We can help with the confusing paperwork, and help you sort things out. We are happy to work with your case workers, adjusters and employers to help find a solution that works for everyone!

At Houston Medial Group, we work together to provide our patients a wide variety of services and treatments to rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, expedite claims processing, and ensure the fastest possible return to every-day activities.

We provide Case management for:
•    Federal Workers Compensation 
•    Texas State Workers Compensation
•    Federal Employee Injury
•    Postal Worker Injury

Many languages are represented by our multilingual staff - including English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Call us for a free consultation.